Metocean Consultancy

Metocean Strategy
Metocean data is critical across the life cycle of offshore structures, whether they support aquaculture or Offshore Renewables. Developing a metocean strategy to provide data products in support of operational planning and engineering design is commercially important. An extensive knowledge of freely available data and its limitations, coupled with knowledge of stakeholders' requirements allows strategies to be defined that manage the risk appropriately within the decision gate system of the company. It also ensure compliance with the requirements of certifying authorities.
Technical Assessment and Review
If your company does not have Metocean specialists in-house, Blue Ocean Consulting offers Metocean support based on 30-years of experience. We can help you shape your Metocean tender documents as well as undertake technical assessments of bidders to these tenders. Additionally, on completion of the reporting, we can review the report and highlight any technical uncertainty to enable the risk to be mitigated. Our experience covers measurements, operational and design criteria and permanent systems.

Metocean Training
To maximise the benefit of your Metocean investments it is essential that staff have a good understanding of Metocean products, and how to utilise them. We can tailor Metocean courses to meet the needs of your employees. Our approach is based on our experience in the successful delivery of schemes for Graduate Training Programmes as well as specific courses tailored to client needs. We build on the trainee's personal experiences, and ensure a balanced mixture of knowledge transfer to practical applications of the learning.